The automobile, formerly known as the motorcar or car, is one of the most widespread of modern technologies. It is an electric or gas-powered motor vehicle designed for passenger transportation on roads and highways. It has four wheels, and is powered by an internal combustion engine fueled most often by gasoline (petrol). An automobile has a variety of systems that power and control it, including the steering and brakes, and produces electricity for lights. Specialized automobiles are also used in construction and industry. There are also emergency automobiles, such as fire engines and ambulances.
The modern automobile was perfected in Germany and France in the late 1700s and early 1800s by such men as Gottlieb Daimler, Karl Benz, Nicolaus Otto, and Emile Levassor. But it was American carmaker Henry Ford who revolutionized industrial production of automobiles by introducing the assembly line and making his Model T affordable to middle-class Americans. Today there are more than 1.4 billion cars in operation worldwide. The vast majority are passenger cars, with the rest being commercial or utility vehicles. In the United States, people drive over three trillion miles (five trillion kilometres) each year.
Having your own car gives you great freedom and independence. You can leave your house at any time to go shopping or visit friends and family. You can also travel across the country in a matter of hours. If you use your car responsibly, it can reduce the stress of everyday life and help you live a healthier lifestyle. However, there are a number of problems that can occur if you own an automobile. Some of them are dangerous, such as car accidents or pollution. Other problems are inconvenient, such as finding parking space and dealing with traffic jams.
Auto manufacturers constantly strive to improve the performance, comfort, safety, and appearance of their vehicles. They also work to make them more environmentally friendly by improving the efficiency of their engines and reducing emissions from the exhaust system. Some of the most significant improvements in automotive technology have occurred since World War II, such as the self-starter, the closed all-steel body, hydraulic brakes, and syncromesh transmission.
The automobile has become a driving force in twentieth-century America, as it has become the backbone of a new consumer goods-oriented society. It ranks first in value of products produced and provides one out of six jobs in the United States. It is the lifeblood of the petroleum industry and a major consumer of steel and other metals. It is also a key customer for many ancillary industries, such as textiles and food processing.
Although the automobile has had its positive effects on society, some people are worried about its negative effects. There are fears that the automobile is causing more pollution and congestion, and it may lead to an increase in crime. Others are concerned about the safety of people who use the road, as well as the safety of children who ride in cars.