While the majority of people who gamble do so without problem, a significant subset develop gambling disorder, which is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a persistent pattern of behavior characterized by impaired control over spending, impaired judgment, distorted thinking and/or mood, and preoccupation with gambling. It may result in serious financial and personal problems for the individual.
Gambling involves placing something of value on a random event with the intent to win something else of value, where instances of strategy are discounted. The term “gambling” encompasses a broad range of activities, from lottery tickets and sports wagering to online poker and scratchcards. The vast majority of gambling occurs in a casino setting, but some games are played outside of casinos, such as bingo, dead pool, lotteries and pull-tab games.
Problem gambling can affect a person’s physical and mental health, relationships, work and study performance, and ability to meet financial obligations. It can cause anxiety, depression, strained family relationships and legal issues. In extreme cases, it can lead to homelessness and suicide.
Often, those with a gambling problem do not realize that it is a problem. Those who are close to them, including their friends and family members, may notice that they gamble more than usual, do not have time for other activities or spend more money on gambling. Their gambling can become secretive or they may lie to others about their involvement in order to protect them from being exposed to it.
In addition, those with a gambling problem may make repeated unsuccessful attempts to control or cut back on their gambling. They might gamble when they are feeling distressed and/or guilty, and they may try to win their lost money back (chasing their losses). Their gambling can also jeopardize a relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity, and they may be reliant on others for money to fund their habit.
It is important to remember that while some forms of gambling are more risky than others, any form of gambling can be addictive and lead to a gambling disorder. A person who has a gambling disorder does not have to have placed a bet in order to be convicted of a crime, and courts have ruled that it is possible to be a problem gambler even if the person never made a bet or lost any money.
It is also worth noting that many people who have a gambling disorder do so for coping reasons, such as to self-soothe unpleasant emotions or to relieve boredom or loneliness. There are more healthy and effective ways to manage these feelings, such as exercise, socializing with people who do not gamble, pursuing hobbies, and practicing relaxation techniques. The biggest challenge for people who struggle with gambling is maintaining recovery and avoiding relapse. To do so, they must surround themselves with accountable people, avoid tempting environments and websites, give up control over their finances, and find healthier activities to replace gambling.