The Daily News

Daily News

Daily News is a tabloid newspaper in New York City. Founded in 1919, it considers itself “New York’s Hometown Newspaper,” informing everyday New Yorkers about their city and more. The paper is known for zesty headlines (perhaps most famously, “Ford to City: Drop Dead” during the city’s financial woes in 1975) and star columnists like Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill. It also offers intense city news coverage, celebrity gossip, classified ads and comics.

In recent years, the Daily News has faced many of the same challenges that have plagued other newspapers as readers and ad dollars shift online. In addition, it has struggled to compete with a muscular hometown rival, the News Corp-owned New York Post. Nevertheless, the paper continues to produce outstanding journalism, winning this year’s Pulitzer Prize for Public Service reporting for its expose on how New York City authorities used an obscure law to forcibly evict hundreds of tenants.

Each Daily News article includes comprehension and critical thinking questions to help students better understand the topic. To access these questions, simply scroll down past the main story. We recommend printing out the questions for use in class.

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Daily News is the flagship publication of the Yale Daily News, America’s oldest college newspaper. Published Monday through Friday during the academic year, it serves Yale and its surrounding communities. The News is editorially and financially independent from the university, and its alumni have gone on to prominent careers in both journalism and public life, including William F. Buckley, Lan Samantha Chang, John Hersey, Sargent Shriver and more.

The Daily News is available in print, digital and mobile. Subscribers get a daily newsletter, The Daily Digit, that includes the top 10 digital news stories each weekday and the top five on-demand videos from the day. They also get access to an exclusive weekly video news quiz. Plus, they can find the latest articles, videos and photo galleries of their favorite people, places and things to do around town. They can even share their own content with friends and family.

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